OHF’s 2018 Blood Brotherhood Event!
Celebrate Winter 2018 with Us:
OHF’s Men’s Committee is having our last HFA-sponsored Blood Brotherhood event this year to celebrate men’s health through education, activity, and brotherhood! Please join us for Winterfest at Tulsa’s own BOK! Topics for this meeting include: 2019 Blood Brotherhood planning, ongoing community support topics, as well as good ol’ comradery with the men of Oklahoma.
When: Wednesday, December 12th, 5:30 PM
Where: Tulsa City Central Library
400 Civic Center
Room 201 - Zink Family
Tulsa OK, 74103
Dress: Prepared for winter!
Information: tulsawinterfest.com ; bokcenter.com/events/#!/arvest-winterfest/
Your Attendance Is Requested! - We look forward to seeing you there!
Contact Kathleen Montgomery to inquire.