Registration deadline: June 22nd, 2020
Camper Registration
Welcome to the online Camper Registration form for Camp Independence 2020! Due to the realities of COVID-19, we will not be able to conduct our traditional over night camp experience. Instead, we will be offering a virtual camp experience to continue the camp spirit this summer!
Important Deadlines to remember:
1. Camper Registration is due by June 22, 2020.
2. There is NO FEE for camp this year, however if you do not register by June 22, we cannot guarantee a camp shirt for your camper.
Camp Independence is usually a week-long overnight summer camp experience for campers affected by a bleeding disorder, and their siblings. This year we will be hosting a virtual summer camp experience consisting of a mixture of online and physical materials that will be mailed to the campers.
We take your privacy and security seriously. The Oklahoma Hemophilia Foundation adheres to the ACA's recommended guidelines regarding HIPAA compliance. This online registration process is fast and secure. All data is encrypted prior to transmission over a Secure Socket Layer and access is restricted to necessary personnel.
All camper registrants must either have a bleeding disorder, or be a sibling who resides in the same household as an affected camper. Due to cost and staff restraints, we will be unable to accommodate any camper who does not meet this criteria.