
OHF's Mission of improving the lives of those with bleeding disorders through advocacy involves a three-tiered advocacy approach.  The three tiers of focus includes state and local advocacy, national advocacy and individual advocacy.  This advocacy approach is managed by a member-driven advocacy committee and aims to educate and promote legislatures to the unique challenges and care required for those impacted by bleeding disorders.  

           "Oklahoma is OK"

           "Oklahoma is OK"

State and Local advocacy

There are a multitude of policy issues facing the bleeding disorders community. As a grassroots organization, we support the community by providing information and tools to participate in monitoring, advocating, and supporting federal and state public policies that impact the lives of people living with bleeding disorders.

Here are the major issues that we’re currently working on at the state level with our member organizations:

  1. Prior Authorization
  2. State Biosimilars Policies
  3. State Specialty Tiers Resources
  4. Step Therapy

Content from HFA:

                      "From Many, One"

                      "From Many, One"

National Advocacy

There are a multitude of policy issues facing the bleeding disorders community. As a grassroots organization, we support the community by providing information and tools to participate in monitoring, advocating, and supporting federal and state public policies that impact the lives of people living with bleeding disorders.

Here are the major issues that we're currently working on at the federal level:

  1. Health Care Reform
  2. Blood Safety
  3. Executive Agencies that Oversee Bleeding Disorders Policy
  4. Federal Biosimilars Issues
  5. Federal Specialty Tiers Issues
  6. Premium Assistance
  7. Product Safety
  8. Step Therapy


"One person CAN make a difference!"

Individual advocacy

Everyone has a story to tell! In 2017, a United States Senator shared that the reason be became so passionate about a ban on lifetime limits was due in part to repeatedly hearing the story of a bleeding disorders patient.

No matter what your politics are, everyone in the community needs access to their preferred providers, the ability to purchase affordable and meaningful insurance coverage, and access to good treatment. In the coming weeks, our representatives are going to be making decisions that will affect how those with bleeding disorders are able to access quality health insurance. To best support access for all of us, we need your story!

Content provided by HFA: